Southport U3A

New Members Find A Warm Welcome

new members coffee morning

The first New Members Coffee Morning of 2023 saw a full house, with plenty of new members and Group Leaders attending.

After an introduction to the u3a, from our current Membership Secretary (Jim Hay) and Chair (Paddy McNeish), each of the Group Leaders present gave a brief talk about their group(s). Several of the Group Leaders made a point of describing how easy it is to run a group and how much enjoyment they got out of doing so. They also stressed that even if there is a waiting list to join a group or event it is well worth doing so, as the lists are regularly reviewed and places made available. Also, waiting lists help the Southport u3a committee judge demand and make decisions about starting new groups.

Along with the informative talks, the members had the opportunity to mingle with each other and talk to the Group Leaders, some even taking the plunge to join groups straight away.

It’s safe to say that it wasn’t just the pull of the coffee, biscuits and cake, that held the attention of the members. We look forward to seeing them taking part in our activities.

If you are interested in receiving more information about Southport u3a, please get in touch using our contact form.

new members coffee morning
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