A very warm welcome from the Chair of Southport u3a

Thank you for visiting Southport u3a’s website to discover more about the u3a, who we are, what we do and how you can play a part in our wonderful organisation. u3a is an international and nationwide concern catering not only for retired people but also part time employees. Scanning through this website you will be able to see all of the interesting opportunities offered by Southport u3a. We have over1800 members and 90 plus Interest Groups spanning our Learn, Laugh, Live philosophy.
For a £15 per year membership fee, you can make new friends, take up a new activity, and, by way of its Charity status, make a contribution to local and national society. From bridge to ballroom dancing, pickle ball to pilates, coach trips to crochet, jazz to jewellery making, we hope we have something for everyone. Come to our Monthly General Meetings, on the first Thursday of every month at Christ Church, for an insight into the activities on offer. Have a coffee and become part of what is an essential asset to the Southport community.
To enquire about joining Southport u3a, head over to our Membership page and download an application form. If you would like more information about us, please complete our general Contact Form and we’ll get right back to you. Alternatively, if you can’t wait to get involved, you can now join online
I look forward to meeting you soon.
Chris Howorth
Southport u3a Featured on ‘Share Something Brilliant Today’ video

During the 2024 Southport flower show, Southport u3a members were filmed and interviewed in relation to the National u3a campaign to raise awareness of the u3a nationwide. You can watch the video here.

