Welcome to the final Weekly Newsletter from Southport u3a. Publication of the electronic newsletter now moves to a monthly basis, on the final Saturday of the month.
At the start of lockdown, in 2020, we began publication of a daily news-sheet to help our members pass the time and feel connected. This soon evolved into a daily newsletter, which we expected to publish for a month or so. Then things happened and the newsletter developed a life of its own.
Fast forward almost 5 months and 130 issues, the first relaxation happened and the newsletter moved to a weekly schedule. January arrived and, with it, another lockdown. The newsletter moved to a twice weekly schedule and stayed there until May, when it went back to a weekly issue.
We committed to keeping the newsletter going on at least a weekly basis until things started returning more or less to normal. With restrictions easing, group activities returning and the monthly meetings resuming, after more than 200 issues we believe now is the right time to move to a monthly schedule. This is therefore (and hopefully) the final weekly newsletter you will receive.
Keeping our members informed and entertained is very important to Southport u3a. The newsletter frequency may have been reduced, but it has now been joined by a quarterly printed magazine and, soon, the set will be completed with the launch of a new website which will provide news as soon as we receive it.