Southport U3A

Gardening Christmas 2022

Gardening Christmas 2022

The Gardening Group celebrated a Gardening Christmas at their last meeting of the year, with mince pies and an extravaganza of fabulous Christmas floral arrangements, demonstrated by the talented floral artist Pat Armstrong.

While Pat picked and snipped and popped in here and there, she kept us all entertained with amusing anecdotes from her career in Floral Art, and all the famous people she had met along the way, which included Lady Di.

When she had finished her three gorgeous creations she donated them to the raffle so three very happy members were able to take one home.

If you would like to know more about the Gardening Group, please visit their group page.

For more information about Southport u3a, feel free to get in touch using our contact form. Alternatively, you can now join online.

Gardening Christmas 2022
Yellow roses
Pat 2
Gardening Christmas 2022 PS Red FA PHOTO-2022-12-16-14-02-58 Yellow roses Pat 2

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