The New Members Coffee Morning was held this week at Sacred Heart Church in Ainsdale. We had 34 new members in attendance who all enjoyed coffee and cake and had an opportunity to get to meet fellow new members. It is much easier to meet other new members than at the Monthly Meeting in Christ Church where old and new members are in attendance. We also make a point of giving everybody name badges to help break the ice.
We also had 20 Group Leaders from a whole range of our u3a Groups, ranging from Tai Chi to Book Club, from Local History to Badminton, from Walking to Spanish. With so many GLs in attendance it gave the new members present a much better idea of our organisation and the range of activities available to them.
Our thanks go to all the Group Leaders who gave up their time to attend the New Members Coffee Morning, and to the other members who gave up their time to do the essential organising in the background to make it all go smoothly.
If you would like more information about Southport u3a you can get in touch via our contact form.