There are a couple of spaces on the walking tour of Formby’s Lost Resort and Devil’s Hole led by U3A member Mike Dolman on Thursday 2nd December at 10.30
The walk will be just under 3 miles and will include rough tracks, soft sand and dune walking. We will learn about Formby’s ambitious but failed plan to build a resort to rival Southport. Also, seeing the site of a nuclear bunker and the mysterious Devil’s Hole.
The walk will start from Lifeboat Road car park. Car sharing will be required unless you want to walk an extra mile from the station each way.
This will be a fair-weather event and will be postponed if the forecast is wet or very windy.
The event is free except contribution to drivers for car share and maybe we can buy Mike a cake or lunch afterwards!
Please note this is the same day as the U3A monthly meeting hence we have had group leaders who needed to cancel.
Please sign up on Beacon if you wish to join us. Any problems with this please contact me.
Best wishes
For more information about Lets Go please go to the group page.
If you’re interested in joining Southport u3a please go to our contact form.