In December, the Southport u3a Events team held a charity raffle. Thanks to the generosity of our local businesses the raffle was very successful and we would like to offer them a big thank-you.
The businesses who donated prizes are:
- June the Florist
- David at Bistrot Pierre
- Jimi Lundun at M&S
- Tesco, Meols Cop
- Mike and Caroline at The Golf Shop, Formby Golf Club
- The Chocolate Shop, Churchtown
- Catherine at Garden Room
- The Dram Churchtown
- Tiny Treasures Churchtown
- Dolce Vita Ainsdale
- Tipple Ainsdale
- The Barr Ainsdale
- The Mallard Ainsdale
- Esperanto’s Bistro Ainsdale
A big thank-you must also go to our Chair, Christine, for organising both tickets for this years Flower Show and a sailing experience for two.
Their help made a super occasion even better.