Southport U3A

Wine Appreciation

There are three wine appreciation groups which are devoted not only to enjoying wine but to learning more about wine in general. This includes regional production, what goes to make a great wine, how food and wine can complement each other, and most of all, taste.

Each group has its own characteristics, from running large group events at various locations throughout or beyond the Southport area to small food and wine soirees. You will find the groups meet on different days of the week to give everyone a chance of joining one or other of them.


To find out more about a particular group click on the GROUP AREA.




Group News Archives (items may be out of date)

wine group 4

A Taste of Italy with Wine 4

Wine group 4 will be experiencing a taste of Italy this month, details below.

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Southport u3a Wine Appreciation at Bar N'Ista

Wine Tasting Event

Wine Appreciation group 4 have announced a new Wine Tasting event, titled ‘Back to Basics. This will take place on…

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