Southport U3A


Total Solar Eclipse
Total Solar Eclipse – Photo montage courtesy of Ian Homewood

——- ESSENTIAL WEB LINKS for the astronomer ———————————–

  • SpaceWeather. A website giving daily updates on interesting events going on up there. Includes sunspot count, solar and lunar eclipses, occultations and other fascinating topics. Want to know when there’s a chance of catching those aurorae or a noctilucent cloud display? This site will help you.
  • NASA website. The website for all things in space exploration. Be sure to visit the Galleries section!
  • NASA Eclipses. Here you will find a table leading to full details of past and upcoming solar and lunar eclipses. Tells you where you may have to travel to for the best viewing experience. Eclipse predictions are by the renowned Fred Espenak, NASA/GSFC Emeritus.
  • Met Office forecast. Find out if you should dust off the ‘scope tonight.
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