If you were lucky enough to enjoy Liz Morton‘s entertaining talk at our February meeting, you will already know all about Southport u3a’s Short Story Competition and no doubt planned your opening sentence.
If you couldn’t make it – you missed an inspirational morning. A successful author, Liz said that each of us has a book inside us, or at least a short story in our lives. Everyone has a good tale to tell; engaging or insightful experiences when young; work life dramas; travel adventures; things that have gone amusingly wrong or unexpectedly right; famous people you have met or famous things you have done. We’d love to hear about it – you may even be creative with the truth, as this is a story.
Limited to 1,000 words, your short story must be typed and submitted by noon on Thursday 4th April. Liz has kindly offered to judge the stories and the winner will receive a £25.00 Waterstones Book Voucher.
Simply email your story to Southportu3ashortstory@gmail.com and include your name and u3a number, or you can bring it along to the March or April monthly meetings – but email is preferable.
So get writing Southport u3a – there’s a book in everyone.
Looking forward to receiving your stories – you’ve got 2 short months. Good luck.