On Wednesday 3rd May, the Southport u3a Group Leaders gathered at Clouds, for the annual Group Leaders Day. This is the occasion held to thank the Group Leaders for the work they put in to run our excellent group activities.

After coffee and chat, all present gave a very quick introduction about themselves and the group(s) they run or roles they have in Southport u3a. This was followed up by Ian Homewood providing an update of the Simple Membership enhancements currently being developed before offering a Q&A session.
Once the Simple Membership questions had been answered, Jim Hay took the floor to discuss some ideas for helping to publicise groups, emphasising the various publications available to all. Then it was time for lunch, all of which was excellently prepared and served by the students.
In the afternoon, Roger Haigh followed Jim’s general update with a talk about how he was able to set up the Pickleball group (including a description of the game) with assistance from Dawn, our Group Activities Coordinator.
The entire day was designed to be fun, but undoubtedly the humour escalated during the presentations of the New Group Challenge. This is where our Group Leaders are given (currently) fictitious groups and asked to make short presentations of how they would go about setting them up and what the groups would do. Despite honourable efforts from all of the teams, it as the Morris Dancing group presentation which stole the show (other presentations are available).
All in all, the 2023 Group Leaders Day was full of positivity and truly reflected the volunteer ethos of the u3a.
If you would like more information about Southport u3a please get in touch using our contact form.