Southport u3a committee has two vacancies we would like to fill.
Our Vice-Chair, Sharon Partington, will reach the end of her maximum three years at the AGM in February and we require nominations/volunteers to replace her .
Also, our Business Secretary has decided to resign from the Committee; and we urgently need to replace him. Sharon will stand in temporarily as Business Secretary until the AGM, however, we are looking for a member to come forward who will be able to fulfil this role.
Both these roles are vitally important for two reasons. Firstly, we need the work to be done on the Committee that these roles entail. Secondly, under the terms of our Constitution as laid out by u3a Headquarters and the Charities Commission, each of these roles are what is termed ”officers,” and they need to be filled to enable the committee to function – and so therefore the u3a to continue.
So, if you want to continue being part of this highly successful u3a – and contribute to that success – please phone Paddy on the number provided in the advert. You can also contact her using our contact form.
Jim Hay (on behalf of the committee)
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