The 1st Southport u3a Writing Competition closed for entries on 30th June and has now been judged. We are pleased to announce that Sylvia Miley has been judged the winner and will receive a £10 book token. Her winning entry is below.
“Religion isn’t the secret of happiness,” it was written in the Daily Mail this week.
So what is the answer for today as we face our collective destiny as a human species?
The betterment of the world…..
Is this achievable? We see the tumbling of strong structures of those ancient worn out institutions, weary of not being able to resolve their problems, and seeking everywhere to find answers. It isn’t here – it isn’t there – it’s elusive yet everywhere, and within our reach!
Covid showed the way – sharing, cooperation, kindnesses, compassion, and a wider vision. Whisperings in high places: “We have to share the vaccines,” says one. “We must do something about the lack of clean water,” another declares. “We are friends with each other, so let’s make a difference,” was murmured at the G7 at Carbis Bay last week
All over the world the struggles increase our feelings of helplessness. So the question is asked as to what we can do individually and collectively.
For those helplessly sunk in materiality there is a need to encourage the concept that we are not just a physical being but we have a noble character that needs to be valued. Present day society heaves and cracks with the strain of horrific events and calamities, causing inner turmoil individually and collectively. Actions speak lounder than words, and during the recent months occasions have arisen where we have been prompted not to pass by on the other side and we find ourselves acting with natural instincts to help make a difference.
To strive to do that which is right, and bring hope to the hopeless and try to steer those who are eaten away with bitterness and hate to revalue that kindly words and good deeds are surely steps forward to the betterment of the world.
“The betterment of the world can be achieved through pure and goodly deeds”. Baha’u’llah
Congratulations to Sylvia and commiserations to the other entrants. Maybe you will have better luck in our next writing competition.
If you would like more information about Southport u3a, or are interested in joining, please use the contact form provided.