Southport U3A

Let’s Go Visit Royal Court

lets go visit royal court

Members of Lets Go enjoyed a two hour tour of Liverpools’ Royal Court Theatre . The theatre as it currently stands was built in the 1930’s on the site of an earlier theatre.  The two guides were a great double act as they took it in turns to talk about the history and the architecture of this fine theatre.

It wasn’t until we were all assembled on the Stage that they asked for our Equity Cards! Only Joking!

Restoration and improvements are ongoing as more funding is accessed but where possible original artefacts and features are restored eg There are lots of Art Deco mirrors which are being used to full advantage especially in the bar areas.

And we learnt the meaning of “break a leg!”

Apparently, the curtains either side of the stage which serve to keep backstage light from falling onto the stage are called “legs” and the person coming onto the stage for their part in the production breaks a leg when pulling them back in order to step onto the stage!

After this tour. A dozen members proceeded to the Courtyard Bar and Restaurant for a meal( and of course a few drinks)

Thanks to Shirley Hale for her great photos of this event!

After many years leading this group, Jacky and Shirley are stepping down. If you would like to help make sure the group stays alive, please contact Dawn Oldfield, either at the monthly meeting, via email or using our contact form.

Jean Berry

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