Southport U3A

The Atkinson Architecture

A group of 20 Out&About members had a tour around The Atkinson Building architecture on Lord Street, led by our volunteer guide – Jan. She took us outside and explained how the Atkinson had evolved, its various stages, how it was first financed by William Atkinson, a cotton manufacturer from Yorkshire, and then as other parts were added, like the Art Gallery and the Library, he continued as the benefactor for these.

She explained the various elements of the architecture, like the large entrance portico specially designed to protect Lords and Ladies as they emerged from their coaches for events in the gallery, the way in which various elements were modelled on classical European buildings, she pointed out the vast array of stone edifices that adorn the outside and explained their significance to the Victorians in the Arts and Sciences, very much in vogue at the time.

We then went inside where we toured the various areas, the theatre, the library, the art gallery, the museum and she described the significance of the the Atkinson architecture in each, We saw the magnificent stained glass windows both in situ and on wall displays.

We all came away from this excellent visit understanding much more and from now on no visit to the Atkinson will ever be the same!!

And it was free!!

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